The black hoses are part of a traffic counting device. Collier County Traffic Operations collects regular traffic counts at 198 stations at different times of the year. Traffic on the busiest roads (149 stations) is counted quarterly; seasonal counts are taken at another 25 stations semi-annually (in-season and out of season); and counts are conducted at another 24 stations in remote locations annually, in-season. The County also collects roughly 200 special counts per year, normally as part of traffic calming or signal studies.
Traffic Operations staff creates a quarterly report containing raw and extrapolated data from regular counts. Special counts are excluded from this report. The data is used by other County staff and the Collier County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO - link) for planning purposes; by the Collier County Sheriff’s Office for use in assigning patrols; and by realtors, engineering firms, and other business people.