For instructions on how to prepare storm debris, visit
PRIVATE ROADS : Residents who live on a private road with restricted access (locks, gates or guards present), must grant the county the right to enter the roadway PRIOR to a storm/event. This requires a completed annual Right of Entry/Hold Harmless form that is signed by legal owner of the road or a legal representative, such as a homeowner’s association or management company with signature authority. Please visit prep to electronically fill out Right of Entry form.
Please note that only communities with debris considered an immediate threat to life, public health or safety by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be eligible. Communities may use their own insurance or their own contractor for debris removal.
PRIVATE PROPERTY ON A PRIVATE ROAD: Debris Removal from private property is the responsibility of the individual property owner, aided by insurance settlements and assistance from volunteer agencies. Most insurance policies have specific coverage for debris removal and demolition of heavily damaged structures
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Debris generated from commercial properties, such as industrial parks, golf courses, cemeteries, apartments, condominiums, and trailer parks are the responsibility of the owner and are expected to retain insurance that covers debris removal.
All are highly encouraged to take before and after pictures.